Hi, this page is dedicated to all those interested in participating in Richard’s funeral celebrations.
Richard Billam nee Skerman (kind of!)
Funeral is planned for Friday 14th October, 12:30 – 14:00
Venue: Hinton Park, Christchurch,
BH23 7EJ
Venue website: https://hintonparkwoodlandburial.co.uk
Meet outside 11:45 – 12:30, Service Start: 12:30 – 14:00
BEFORE funeral (optional) Rendezvous point 10:30 – 11:30 and then again
AFTER funeral (optional) 14:00 onwards (food included) https://theamberwood.co.uk BH23 5RQ
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Please keep checking back as I (Nigel) intend to update this page as and when things change. Last update 19:40 Wednesday 12/10/2022
You can download a PDF document which is the planned Order of Service i.e. the agenda and players etc here: Richard’s Order of Service UPDATED 11/10/2022,
printed copies will be available at the service.
Dress code: Casual or whatever you are comfortable wearing, some may prefer formal mourning dress – no matter. It is suggested you could, if you wish, add a bit of orange!
Weather Forecast: 16 degrees, sunny intervals and a moderate breeze, windspeed 12 MPH
Contact mobiles: Graham 07771343456, Nigel 07748774570
We plan to provide a Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82860232832?pwd=TTNFRy9KZkY2NGlBUnlmaENwTG1zZz09
Meeting ID: 828 6023 2832, Passcode: 469819
Please leave horses (?) and motorbikes outside!?
No onsite camping or fires!